// Script Name: PHP Contact Mailer
// Set page variables.
$title = "RSVP for VBmatch Discount Guest List for Open Gym at SportsHouse";
$back = "";
$bg = 'FFFFFF';
$text = '000000';
$link = '000000';
$vlink = '000000';
$trans = 'spinoutin';
$btntag = 'text=000000 insetselection';
$txtbxtag = 'bgcolor=FFFFFF text=000000 cursor=ff autoactivate nohighlight';
// Remove < and > from the email message.
$msg = str_replace("<","",$msg);
$msg = str_replace(">","",$msg);
// Set email variables.
$your_email = 'admin@vbmatch.com';
$your_name = 'Ernest';
$your_link = 'http://www.vbmatch.com';
$contact_msg = "
Please add me to the VBmatch Discount Guest List
Name: $name $cell $email
I am RSVPing for the following: $event
Message (optional): $msg
| | |